Nothing Ordinary About Us

Nothing Ordinary About Us

by Jane Eppard

While wrapping up a doctor’s visit, my physician took a few minutes to share a story about my dad. The context was around a board they served on together. He admired his ability to bring people together and get the job done.

After thanking my doctor for sharing a memory, I said, “He was an ordinary man who inspired a lot of people in extraordinary ways.”

Walking out, I chuckled because I could hear my dad’s voice with more than a glint of humor, “Well, speak for yourself; there’s nothing ordinary about me!”  

Yes, I stand corrected, dad; there was nothing ordinary about you. And there is nothing ordinary about you either, friend!

In fact, there is nothing ordinary about ANY of us.  We are all handcrafted, truly one-of-a-kind.

That’s precisely what drives our work at Family Hope Foundation, focusing on each child’s unique abilities and gifts – making sure they shine! 

It takes a lot of time and effort to accomplish our work. We have two part-time employees who are stretched thin. This is where a rather extraordinary group steps in.

Our Board of Directors is not only passionate about our mission; they roll up their sleeves and get the work done. This fifteen-person team doesn’t receive nearly enough recognition.  

Our board is the framework – the muscle – behind our programming. They help with the heavy lifting, and I know it isn’t easy. They work hard, no doubt about it.

They’ve established a culture of TRUST where ALL ideas are welcomed and discussion is encouraged. They don’t follow the leader or use rear-view mirror thinking. No, they make their plan and work it!

Trust is key because it allows board members to step outside the box to ensure Family Hope Foundation continues to grow stronger

The board gets behind Madeline, me, and the work we do each day. They challenge us, encourage us, and we always feel supported. We trust our team. It’s a good feeling!

It’s become a tradition to close each board meeting by going around the room, allowing each person one more opportunity to comment or share.  

As we wrapped up this month’s meeting, Kim Koele said, “I love how our Family Hope Foundation ‘village’ supports and encourage each other.  We’re doing important work, and it’s great to be a part of this team.”


Jane Eppard
Executive Director

P.S. Our Board of Directors is essential to the work of Family Hope Foundation. They’re a hub for accountability, sharing wins, and accomplishing strategic goals. Their love for our mission drives them. They come together and get the job done – always! 

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