The name Vivian means “full of life,” and it’s clear by her infectious smile and vibrant personality that she has the power to change the world!
Vivian was born with a form of epilepsy and cerebral palsy, and has been diagnosed with autism. Therapy has been a part of her life since she was a newborn–therapy will always be a part of her life so she can continue to grow strong.
We don’t yet know what the future holds, but we will give Vivian every opportunity for her to feel independent and powerful. Just look at what she’s accomplished so far!
Here a few of Vivian’s big wins:
~Being tube-fed, we cheered her on after she ate an entire packet of puree. This is a big deal!
~Being non-speaking, we sat in amazement as we watched her navigate an eye-gaze device, giving her the power to communicate with others.
~With the use of assistive devices, she has learned to strengthen specific muscles for rolling and sitting, giving her the independence to move around.
~She is now able to sit on a chair by herself and walk with a walker assisted by her therapist, allowing her to explore the world in a whole new way.
~She can now maintain a grasp on an object, such as a paintbrush, giving her the ability to be creative. Just check out the artwork of this budding artist below!
At the tender age of two, Vivian has reached more “inchstones” than we ever thought possible. We are so proud of Vivian every single day!
Due to Vivian’s medical complexities, I’ve become a full-time caregiver, no longer able to work outside the home, which has drastically affected our income.
Vivian’s scholarship has made it financially possible for her to consistently attend specialized therapy, which she looks forward to every month. It’s opening a powerful new world for her!
-Kaitlyn, Vivian’s mom